10 de novembro de 2015

Rabanadas Proteicas / Protein French toast

Rabanadas proteícas smile emoticon /
-2 fatias pão forma integral 49 calorias
-90g clara de ovo
-15g Impact whey Straciatella (MyProtein)
-Canela e adoçante a gosto
-Flavour drops Toffee Myprotein (opcional)
-Zero cal Syrup Butterscotch (MyProtein)
-Frutos silvestres a gosto (no meu caso 30g)
-Misturar as claras com a proteina dissolvida num pouco de água e embeber o pão na mistura. Cozinhar em frigideira anti-aderente e voilá smile emoticon
210 cals
20 carbs
2 fat
24 pro
/ Protein French toast
-2 slices whole wheat 49calories bread
-90g egg whites
-15g Impact whey Straciatella (MyProtein)
-Cinnamon & Sweetener to taste
-Flavour drops Toffee Myprotein (optional)
-Zero cal Syrup Butterscotch (MyProtein)
-Berries to taste (in this case 30g)
-Mix egg whites with protein pre-dissolved in a bit of water & soak the bread in the mix. Cook on a non-stick pan & voilá smile emoticon

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